God said to Moses, "I am who I am. Here is what you must say to the Israelites. Tell them, 'I am has sent me to you.' " Exodus 3:14


所有宗教教主都是神差來的嗎?/ 唐崇榮Stephen Tong


《給我答案》Q&A (1)~(38) 唐崇榮Stephen Tong/中、English/1999新加坡國立大學 NUS
到底有沒有世界末日? Is the world really going to end?為什麼上帝不消滅魔鬼? Why didn't God destroy Satan?其他宗教也是起源自上帝嗎? Do all religions originated from God's revelation? 我為什麼需要上帝? Why do I need God in my life?上帝存在的明證 ! The Proof of God's Existence !佛教, 道教, 伊斯蘭教, 為什麼要基督教? Buddhism, Islam, Taoism, why Christianity?良善的上帝為什麼允許罪惡存在? How can a good God allow evil to exist?.......
